
公司網站: https://www.lotteria.com
創立時間: 1972
社群媒體: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram


Lotteria is a popular fast-food chain  from Japan, founded in 1972. Lotteria’s menu includes a variety of burgers, fried chicken, side dishes, and beverages. Lotteria has expanded its presence to several countries in East Asia.

Lotteria Menu

Burgers: Classic Beef Burger, Cheeseburger, Special Lotteria-only offerings
Chicken: Fried Chicken, Spicy Chicken Sandwich, Chicken Tenders
Sides: Fries, Onion Rings, Salads
Desserts: Ice Cream, Shakes, Pastries
Drinks: A selection of popular soft drinks, teas, and coffees.

Lotteria History

1972: Loteria was founded in in Tokyo, Japan.
1979: Lotteria was founded in South Korea.
1980s: Began its expansion in South Korea and introduced signature items.
1990s-2000s: Expanded to other countries like Japan, Vietnam, and Myanmar.
2010s: Embraced modern trends and revamped its menu, keeping in line with global fast-food practices.
2020s: Continued to innovate with menu items and expanded its digital presence with online ordering and delivery.

Last Update 11/29/2023 18:25

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